Occupational Injury An injury such as a cut, fracture, sprain, amputation, etc. ( no matter superficial, minor or major), which results from a work-related event. 工伤工伤指在工作时引致受伤,例如割伤、骨折、扭伤及截断等(不论微、轻或严重)。
Upon receipt of the occupational injury or disease hospitalization application forms, they shall fill out in detail the verification portions of the application forms and submit them within three days to the insurer for review and examination. 其接获职业伤病住院申请书者,应就申请书证明栏详细填明于三日内径送保险人审核。
The field first-aid articles and flushing equipment shall be arranged at toxic or harmful operation locations where the acute occupational injury occurs. 对发生急性职业损伤的有毒、有害作业场所,配置现场急救用品、冲洗设备。
Occupational weariness is the occupational injury which seriously damages the mental health of the archivists. 职业倦怠是一种职业性伤害,严重地影响着档案人员的身心健康。
Investigation on Cognition About Occupational Injury Among Nurses in Dialysis Centre and Their Protective Behaviors 血透中心护士职业伤害认知及防护行为的调查
Occupational injury is an important risk in industrial society, which has great effect on employees, employers, their families and the society. 摘要职业伤害是工业社会中的重要风险,对职工个人、雇主、家庭和社会都有重要影响。
Objective To explore the causes of nurses occupational injury and protective measures. 目的探讨护理人员职业性损伤的原因和防护对策。
Survey on Occupational Injury to Auxiliary Nursing Personnel in 4 Class ⅲ Grade ⅰ Hospitals in Guangzhou 广州市4所三级甲等医院护理辅助人员职业损伤状况调查
Study on Risk Categorization of Occupational Injury Insurance and Table of Risk Categorization 工伤保险风险分类及风险分类表研究
Current status of compensation system of occupational injury was studied. One of major causations for high frequency of occupational injury was that the rate of compensation was too low resulting in low cost of accidents. 研究了我国工伤事故赔偿的现状,目前我国事故多发的一个重要原因就是工伤事故赔偿标准偏低,导致事故成本低;
Discussion on Development Impact of Occupational Injury Insurance in Risk Management 工伤保险在企业事故风险管理中促进作用的探讨
Study on ranking standard of enterprise occupational injury risk based on clustering analysis of SPSS 基于SPSS聚类分析的企业职业伤害风险分级标准研究
According to the theory of occupational injury and Chinese practical condition, fix on the evaluation indexes of classification of industry insurance risks; 根据工伤事故致因理论,并结合我国实际情况,确定了行业工伤风险分级评价指标;
While comparing the occupational injury risk level among enterprises, the critical problem is how to unified quantify the different degree of occupational injuries. 在对不同企业之间的职业伤害风险进行量化和比较时,不同程度职业伤害的统一量化是关键难题。
Investigations and analyses of occupational injury and protection in psychiatric nurses 精神科护理人员职业损伤及防护调查分析
The author investigate the situation of occupational injury insurance in China, and on this basis analyze the existing problems with differential rate; 本文在调查了我国工伤保险现状的基础上,分析了其差别费率方面存在的问题;
The value of α and β calculated is a necessary base for quantifying and comparing occupational injury risk among different enterprises. 本文所得到的α和β值是对不同企业职业伤害风险量化计算和比较的重要基础。
Study on Compensation System of Occupational Injury in China 对我国工伤事故赔偿的研究
Study on inspection rank model based on enterprise occupational injury risk and penalty due to criminal event 基于企业职业伤害风险和违法处罚的分级监察模型研究
Conclusion There is some association of occupational injuries with safety perception and safety behaviors. To reduce the occurrence of occupational injury, measures should been focused on strengthening safety management and controlling unsafe behaviors. 结论职业伤害、个体安全认知和安全行为之间存在一定的相关性,应加强管理,控制不安全行为,减少职业伤害的发生。
Objective To assess the cost of occupational injury in-depth. 目的更深层次地评估职业伤害成本。
Methods A survey was conducted in 186 nurse trainees who have been clinical interns for 6 to 8 months with occupational injury and self-protection questionnaire. The results were compared between trainees with different educational backgrounds. 方法对在临床各科实习6-8个月的186名实习护士进行职业损伤及自我防护的问卷调查,并就不同学历的护生进行分组比较。
The main reason of resulting occupational injury is the shortage of occupational safety and health training. 造成职业伤害的主要因素之一是职业安全卫生教育的不足。
Investigation and analysis on occupational injury for nursing students 我校实习护生职业损伤情况调查与分析
However, if workers and employers labor relations is a prerequisite for occupational injury insurance accident identified. 然而,劳动者与用人单位是否存在劳动关系是工伤保险事故认定的前提。
The main accidents are engineering geological hazard, falling from tall altitude, blasting safety accident, occupational injury, flood, fire, mechanical wounding and vehicle injuries etc.3. 矿山矿井安全事故主要有工程地质灾害、高空坠落、爆破安全事故、职业伤害、水灾、火灾、机械伤害和车辆伤害等。
Preventing and controlling the occupational injury issue are hot spots of field of public health research. 预防和控制职业伤害是公共卫生领域优先研究的问题之一。
Being also called occupational injury, industrial injury means the accidents which happen to employees at work and other injuries and occupational disease hurt according to the laws. 工伤又称为职业伤害,它是指劳动者在工作中遇到的意外事故以及其他依照法律规定的情形发生的伤害和职业病伤害。